An IndieWeb reader: My new home on the internet

An IndieWeb reader: My new home on the internet – The Garage (Garage)

What if you could reply to a blog post in your feed reader, and your reply would show up as a comment on the original post automatically? Or if you had one place to go to follow all of your friends’ blogs and more? An IndieWeb reader might be the answer. Get insight from the cofounder of the IndieWeb movement.

What if you could reply to a blog post in your feed reader, and your reply would show up as a comment on the original post automatically? What if you could click a “heart” in your reader, and the author of the post would see it? What if you had one place to go to follow not just your Twitter friends, but also all of your friends’ blogs, their microblogs, and see the pictures they’re sharing? What if you could have seamless conversations in your reader the way you have seamless conversations on Twitter today?


Check out my post, Building an IndieWeb Reader, for more details on how all the pieces fit together. If you’re building a reader, check out the Microsub spec to learn how you can participate in this growing ecosystem.

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