Critical Feminist Pedagogies Reading List

A list of readings focused on critical feminist pedagogies.
I’d also recommend this resource list from the Gender and Education Association, as well as this guide from the Vanderbilt Center for Teaching


Crawley, S. L., Lewis, J. E., & Mayberry, M. (2008). Introduction—feminist pedagogies in action: Teaching beyond disciplines. Feminist Teacher19(1), 1-12.
Crawley, S. L., Curry, H., Dumois-Sands, J., Tanner, C., & Wyker, C. (2008). Full-contact pedagogy: Lecturing with questions and student-centered assignments as methods for inciting self-reflexivity for faculty and students. Feminist Teacher19(1), 13-30.
Freire, P. (1972). Pedagogy of the oppressed. New York: Herder and Herder.
Freire, P. (1973). Education for critical consciousness (Vol. 1). Bloomsbury Publishing.
Hooks, B. (1994). Engaged pedagogy. Teaching to Transgress: education as the practice of freedom, 13-22.
Hernandez, D., Rehman, B., & Moraga, C. (2002). Colonize this!: Young women of color on today’s feminism. Seal Press.
Macdonald, A., & Sánchez-Casal, S. (2002). Twenty-first-century feminist classrooms. New York: Palgrave Macmillan.
Schiebinger, L. L. (1999). Has feminism changed science?. Cambridge, Mass: Harvard University Press.
Sellers, S. A. (2008). Native American women’s studies: A primer. Peter Lang Pub Incorporated.
Shrewsbury, C. M. (1987). What is feminist pedagogy?. Women’s Studies Quarterly15(3/4), 6-14.
Webber, M. (2005, May). “Don’t be so feminist”: Exploring student resistance to feminist approaches in a Canadian university. In Women’s Studies International Forum (Vol. 28, No. 2-3, pp. 181-194). Pergamon.

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