Tag: decentralized

Still Raging On

Aaaaand we’re back. Welcome to Digitally Literate, issue #326. Thank you to all that sent in messages of support over the last week or so. Your correspondence was very much needed. I shared the eulogy for my father over on my blog. I’ll continue to post more personal content in/across my digital spaces. For now,…

“I Was Devastated”: The Man Who Created the World Wide Web Has Some Regrets

“I Was Devastated”: The Man Who Created the World Wide Web Has Some Regrets (The Hive)

Tim Berners-Lee has seen his creation debased by everything from fake news to mass surveillance. But he’s got a plan to fix it.

An expose on Tim Berners Lee in Vanity Fair. The piece describes Berners-Lee invention of the World Wide Web and his recent work with Solid to re-decentralize the web. For now, the Solid technology is still new and not ready for the masses. But the vision, if it works, could radically change the existing power dynamics of…

Albert Wenger on the Decentralized Future


Sent to me by Hannah Gerber on Facebook: An interesting perspective by Albert Wenger on how we can bring regulation out of the industrial age and into the digital age. We need digitally native approaches if we want to create a more decentralized future and create genuine competition amongst the tech giants. The idea of mandatory…