Tag: digital identity

Phantom You [Tube]: Fighting Our Digital Doubles

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O6C4KPHcSOA&lc=z23pth4opxeawfnm4acdp43acmzboskt3fh31n4lnkxw03c010c.1552656695569650 With our online and offline lives becoming increasingly connected, to what extent do we create our own other? And to what effect? Since the 1990s, horror and sci-fi have considered how we might create our own worst enemy – and the friendly face of this dystopian future is yours. SOURCE: What’s so great about…

Want to own your data? Start by owning your identity

The map of our identity is often linked to physical and digital artifacts. We not only have birth certificates, and ID cards…we also have digital proof of identity. In digital spaces, we often have multiple identities that we need to create, and attend to. Since the advent of the internet, the need to create identities has…

Why We Need the #IndieWeb: A Short History

Why We Need the #IndieWeb: A Short History (Desert of My Real Life)

Back in 1993, as a young computer science graduate student, I created my first web page. To do so, I had to learn a new language, HyperText Markup Language (html), which was pretty easy for me as someone who had been programming in Cobol, PL/I, C, Basic, and so on, since high school. My web pages co…

Great post from Cathie LeBlanc on her IndieWeb journey. We build professional networks of people we’ve never met in real life entirely through our and their use of these social media platforms. We talk about managing our digital identity even when that identity exists exclusively on these sites that are owned by large corporations like…