Tag: hate

Digitally Literate #190

Hate, fear, and trollingDigitally Lit #190 – 3/23/2019 Hi all, my name is Ian O’Byrne and welcome to Digitally Literate. I’m remixing & rebranding a couple of my digital streams as I continue to think about the signals I create & consume online. I’ll have a post on all of this soon. We still have…

A Mass Murder of, & for, the Internet

Kevin Roose on the mass murders in Christchurch, New Zealand. People used to conceive of “online extremism” as distinct from the extremism that took form in the physical world. If anything, the racism and bigotry on internet message boards felt a little less dangerous than the prospect of Ku Klux Klan marches or skinhead rallies.Now,…

A Flag for Trump's America

A Flag for Trump’s America | Harper’s Magazine (Harper's magazine)

The power of strength

Jeff Sharlet in Harper’s Magazine. All annotations in context. “The black above represents citizens,” he said, “and the black below represents criminals.” That those on the wrong side of the line are typically citizens themselves doesn’t bother Jacob, who has built a thriving business, Thin Blue Line USA ➡   The Blue Lives Matter movement,…