Tag: propaganda

Watching Robots

Hi all! Welcome back to Digitally Literate. This is issue #301. This week I published the following: How to Talk About Mental Health – Some guidance on how to talk about mental health and well-being. Getting Started With Ungrading – This semester I’m integrating more thinking about how I assess. This first post explains what…

Honest Signals of Intelligence

Welcome back all! As a reminder, our chapter, Co-constructing Digital Futures, is available for #OpenReview as part of the @mitpress Works in Progress program. Katie Paciga, Elizabeth Stevens, Kristen Turner and I worked with our children to understand privacy, security, and algorithms. This is published through MIT Press using an open peer review process. You…

Fake news. It's complicated.

Fake news. It’s complicated.

Claire Wardle in First Draft News. All annotations in context. By now we’ve all agreed the term “fake news” is unhelpful, but without an alternative, we’re left awkwardly using air quotes whenever we utter the phrase. The reason we’re struggling with a replacement is because this is about more than news, it’s about the entire…

This is what disinformation looks like – Twitter Thread

This is what disinformation looks like – Twitter Thread (Twitter)

“This is what disinformation looks like. There’s many forms, many intermediate aims, but the long term goal is not to *use* the information environment, but to render it inoperable. Once accuracy bias and trust are eliminated there is only power. https://t.co/aUAbEotOLO”

Thread by @holden: “This is what disinformation looks like. There’s many forms, many intermediate aims, but the long term goal is not to use the information env […]”

Twitter thread on disinformation & propaganda from Foster Grant P.I.

Foster Grant P.I. 🇺🇸 on Twitter (Twitter)

“Those fault lines sound familiar. Build the Wall? Black Lives Matter? Gay wedding cakes? That's not to say the organizations working those issues are un-American. But Congressional hearings and indictments are showing – RU agitated the issues to shape the election.”

https://twitter.com/fostergrantpi/status/1018255684465582085 Full Thread Here

The 9 Russian Words That Explain KremlinGate

The 9 Russian Words That Explain KremlinGate by http://observer.com/author/john-r-schindler (Observer)

It’s International Talk Like a Chekist Day—here’s a quick primer.

A primer on the discourse of espionage from The Observer: This first thing we must do is gain a reality-based understanding of the SpyWar we’re in with Moscow. So, let’s walk through a few of the most important Russian espionage terms to shed some light on what’s really going on between Washington and the Kremlin.

The Other Mr. President

The Other Mr. President – This American Life from This American Life

What it’s actually like to live in the confusing information landscape that is Putin’s Russia.

From the This American Life podcast: Since Russia meddled in our election, there’s been concern that the fake news and disinformation that’s so prevalent there could be taking hold in this country. But is that hyperbole? This week we look at what it’s actually like to live in the confusing information landscape that is Putin’s…