Tag: search

How ‘Googling it’ can send conservatives down secret rabbit holes of alternative facts

How ‘Googling it’ can send conservatives down secret rabbit holes of alternative facts (washingtonpost.com)

We saw some of this happening in earlier research on online reading comprehension. Specifically, I had concerns about how algorithms might impact, shape, or modify what we’re looking for. “Googling it” has become the news equivalent of “do your own research.” But neither Google, nor search terms, are purely neutral. “Even in the face of research…

How did Google get so big?

How did Google get so big? (cbsnews.com)

60 Minutes reports on the power of Google, a company whose critics say has stifled competition

Interesting look at Google on 60 Minutes. Some pull quotes: People tell their search engines things they wouldn’t even tell their wives. I mean, it’s a very powerful and yet very intimate technology. And that gives the company that controls it a mind-boggling degree of control over our entire society.   Google wields enormous power…