Tag: twitter

Online Murmurations

Welcome back. Here’s Digitally Literate, issue #350. Please subscribe if you would like this newsletter to show up in your inbox. Reach out and say hello at hello@digitallyliterate.net. Watch on YouTube Flight of the Starlings: Watch This Eerie but Beautiful Phenomenon This short film by Jan van IJken was shot in the Netherlands, and it…

This Seed in This Soil is Classified

Welcome to Digitally Literate, issue #331. This week I’ve been working on some things behind the scenes. More to come soon. 🙂 I received a really intriguing request from Kay Oddone that I think all of my readers here at DL should consider. Oddone is investigating academics’ experience of professional learning through Personal Learning Networks.…

Collective Illusions

Welcome to Digitally Literate, issue #330. I posted the following this week: Student Privacy and Pandemics – I’m presenting a virtual session at #TLTCon2022 next week on the policies, practices, and procedures that schools should implement to establish trust, promote transparency, and create a culture of privacy. “Those who rule data will rule the entire…

Neural Replay

Welcome to Digitally Literate, issue #329. I spent the beginning of the week in San Diego at AERA and then was back at home to catch up on emails, projects, and life. I posted the following this week: Talk, Text, Content & Context: Using Poetry & Multimodal Exploration to Develop a Community of Inquiry -…

Stochastic Parrots

Hopefully giving you just what you asked for. This week I posted the following: Developing An Attitude of Gratitude – If you focus on what you lack, you lose what you have. If you focus on what you have, you gain what you lack. Risky Business – Teachers are doing one of the most important…

Shocked, but not surprised

Shocked, but not surprised A lot has happened in the world of technology and education since our last issue. A lot of news that we should cover. There are times that a story eclipses all others and I need to try and unpack all of the angles. Sadly, the events of January 6th, 2021 require…

Butterfly Attacks

Butterfly Attacks Digitally Lit #265 – 10/24/2020 Welcome back to Digitally Literate and issue #265. Thanks for showing up this week. I appreciate you. This week I worked on the following: Innovation & Execution – When innovating, ideas without implementation mean nothing. Basically, talk is cheap. Back things up with action. How to cultivate self-awareness…

Toxic Positivity

Toxic Positivity Digitally Lit #264 – 10/17/2020 Welcome back to Digitally Literate and issue #264. Thanks for showing up this week. I appreciate you. This week I worked on the following: Be the Documentarian of Your Life – Document your thinking online to lead to new inspiration. Protect Your Center – The challenges and opportunities…

This is what filter bubbles actually look like

This is what filter bubbles actually look like by John Kelly and Camille François (MIT Technology Review)

Maps of Twitter activity show how political polarization manifests online and why divides are so hard to bridge.

John Kelly and Camille François in MIT Technology Review. John Kelly is CEO and Camille François is research director of Graphika, a social network analytics company. All annotations in context. American public life has become increasingly ideologically segregated as newspapers have given way to screens. But societies have experienced extremism and fragmentation without the assistance of Silicon Valley…

Social Network Analysis Reveals Full Scale of Kremlin's Twitter Bot Campaign

Social Network Analysis Reveals Full Scale of Kremlin’s Twitter Bot Campaign (globalvoices.org)

With the aid of open-source tools, Internet researcher Lawrence Alexander gathered and visualized data on nearly 20,500 pro-Kremlin Twitter accounts, revealing the massive scale of information manipulation attempts on the RuNet. In what is the first part of a two-part analysis, he explains how he did it and what he found. All annotations in context.…