Tag: bots

Courage to Continue

Welcome back friends! This was a busy week. This week I also posted the following: Recognizing the Details – Learning Event #6 – Hold space and bear witness to the daily interactions that make up our lives. Development & Validation of the TILT Survey – Behind the scenes of the development and validation of the…

This is what filter bubbles actually look like

This is what filter bubbles actually look like by John Kelly and Camille François (MIT Technology Review)

Maps of Twitter activity show how political polarization manifests online and why divides are so hard to bridge.

John Kelly and Camille François in MIT Technology Review. John Kelly is CEO and Camille François is research director of Graphika, a social network analytics company. All annotations in context. American public life has become increasingly ideologically segregated as newspapers have given way to screens. But societies have experienced extremism and fragmentation without the assistance of Silicon Valley…

Social Network Analysis Reveals Full Scale of Kremlin's Twitter Bot Campaign

Social Network Analysis Reveals Full Scale of Kremlin’s Twitter Bot Campaign (globalvoices.org)

With the aid of open-source tools, Internet researcher Lawrence Alexander gathered and visualized data on nearly 20,500 pro-Kremlin Twitter accounts, revealing the massive scale of information manipulation attempts on the RuNet. In what is the first part of a two-part analysis, he explains how he did it and what he found. All annotations in context.…

We Need Mandatory Enduser APIs for Social and Search Systems

We Need Mandatory Enduser APIs for Social and Search Systems (Continuations by Albert Wenger)

We Need Mandatory Enduser APIs for Social and Search Systems When #DeleteUber was a trending hashtag it was relatively easy for people to take action in those cities where Lyft, MyTaxi or some other…

The brief #DeleteFacebook run was a different story. There is no obvious other place to go (and please don’t say WhatsApp, as that’s Facebook also). The network effect in social is much stronger than the liquidity effect in on demand transportation. So not only did #DeleteFacebook run out of steam quite quickly but it doesn’t…