Tag: presentations

Repurposing talks on social media

Thread by @dsquintana: “You’ve worked hard putting together a presentation so why limit it to the people sitting in your talk? Here are a few tips for repurposing y […]”

12 tips to give a solid scholarly talk within a short time frame

12 tips to give a solid scholarly talk within a short time frame by Raul Pacheco-Vega (raulpacheco.org)

One of the things I’ve noticed at conferences, workshops and seminars is that we tend to overestimate our abilities to give a talk within a short time frame. I see this at MPSA, ISA, AAG, and all other scholarly conferences I attend. We KNOW in advance that we have only 10 minutes, 12 minutes at t…

1) state what you learned/found UPFRONT 2) don’t spend 7 minutes in context – don’t spend 4 minutes in literature review 3) NEVER go over your allotted time 4) clearly state PUZZLE 5) provide BRIEF context (<2 minutes) 6) describe methods, sampling BUT don’t dwell on this unless methods paper 7) INTERPRET table/results 8) when…