LeBron James and the Narrative About Bad Teachers

LeBron James and the Narrative About Bad Teachers – Jose Vilson – Medium by Jose Vilson (Medium)

LeBron James is, again, the talk of the Internet. After tying up a crucial Game 3 against the Cavaliers, the Toronto Raptors had to watch…

Post from Jose Vilson looking at the role of “bad teachers” and how our thinking about this subset is measured and identified. Vilson then goes a bit further and discusses our our framing of these “bad teachers” may spoil our overall view of the field and experiences in education.

With high margins of error and environmental factors, effectiveness measures aren’t reliable enough to make solid decisions on effectiveness. Our culture has already moved so far into testing culture that we’ve simply willed the junk science into reliability because “we can’t go back” to whatever system of accountability we had before. It also means we have schools where students feel like they’re learning and their scores don’t reflect their testimony and schools churn out excellent results but their students fight off daily traumas and depression.

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