Tag: pandemic

Facebook-addled Boomer Behavior

Holla back y’all. Here’s Digitally Literate, issue #339. This week I helped publish the following: Toward Transdisciplinarity: Constructing Meaning Where Disciplines Intersect, Combine, and Shift – Together with some great colleagues and students, we explored the move from literacy to disciplinary literacy…and why transdisciplinarity might be the answer to addressing wicked challenges. Please subscribe if…

Digital Robber Barons

This week I published the following: Create a Personal Webpage Using GitHub Pages & Jekyll – This week we had the last year of our professional development focused on infusing computational thinking into middle and high school classrooms. I taught a breakout session focused on building simple webpages using GitHub Pages. What will digital life…

On What We’ve Lost

Welcome back, friends and family. In 2020 I was selected as one of the winners of the Divergent Award from the Initiative for 21st Century Literacies Research. Because we could not meet together for an awards ceremony and series of keynotes, the honorees submitted a video. Here are my responses. This video was edited together…

Collective Sensemaking

Collective Sensemaking Digitally Lit #252 – 6/27/2020 Hi all, welcome to issue #251 of Digitally Literate. Each week in this newsletter, I synthesize the news of the week in education, technology, & literacy. If you haven’t already, please subscribe if you would like this newsletter to show up in your inbox. Feel free to reach…