Tag: security

The Feature is a “Dumpster Fire”

Welcome to Digitally Literate, issue #397. Your go-to source for insightful content on education, technology, and the digital landscape. This week I posted the following: Experiential Learning and Its Synergy with Artificial Intelligence – Anna CohenMiller sent me a request to get my thoughts about coupling machine learning technologies with experiential learning. Here’s my first…

Communities of Belonging

Welcome to Digitally Literate, issue #396. Your go-to source for insightful content on education, technology, and the digital landscape. I recently posted the following: Shifting the Blame: The User vs Developer in Digital Spaces – We should challenge this common narrative and examine why so much blame is placed on users rather than developers in…

Most Big Ideas Have Loud Critics

Welcome to Digitally Literate, issue #395. Your go-to source for insightful content on education, technology, and the digital landscape. I recently posted the following: Understanding Privilege in Arguments: Principles vs Personal Opinions – Privilege manifests subtly in how we argue during conversations and debates, specifically when the focus shifts away from broader principles to personal…

Habits of Multiple Belonging

Friends, I hope all is well with you and those around you. Welcome to Digitally Literate, issue #385. Your go-to source for insightful content on education, technology, and the digital landscape. This week I worked on a bunch in the background. Elements and Situations The world is full of wicked problems. These are social or…

More Human Than Human

Welcome to Digitally Literate, issue #372. I worked on the following this week: Integrating AI in K-12 Education: Navigating Ongoing Debate – While AI technologies present exciting possibilities for improving learning, concerns about the moral implications, student privacy, and the proper application of AI tools in schools continue to exist. AI technologies should enhance, not…

Humans and Algorithms Work Together

Welcome to Digitally Literate, issue #366. I posted the following this week. Unleash the Power of Computational Thinking in Higher Education to Address Wicked Problems – This past week I presented twice with some great colleagues at TLTCon 2023. This first session focused on computational thinking (CT) and connections to addressing wicked problems in our…

Slow Poisons

Welcome to Digitally Literate, issue #365. I posted the following this week. When you know better, do better: Developing Anti-Racist, Digitally Literate Educators through Critical Media Literacy – Together with a great set of colleagues, we’ve been exploring the possible intersections between anti-racism and digital literacies. Here’s the second manuscript we just sent out. Please subscribe…

Subtle Cues

Welcome to Digitally Literate, issue #358. I posted the following this week: The Challenges of Becoming a Manager vs. Maker in the Age of AI – This post shares some of my thinking about the balance between making and managing as we go to work with AI virtual assistants. Moving From Search to Answers With…

Which Side Is Playing You?

Welcome back. Here’s Digitally Literate, issue #349. Please subscribe if you would like this newsletter to show up in your inbox. Reach out and say hello at hello@digitallyliterate.net. Watch on YouTube Make INCREDIBLE Backgrounds With a TV! I love Caleb Pike and the DSLR Video Shooter YouTube channel. I’ve used (and shared) his previous video…

Life, Death, & Being

Hello all. Here’s Digitally Literate, issue #348. Please subscribe if you would like this newsletter to show up in your inbox. Reach out and say hello at hello@digitallyliterate.net. Watch on YouTube Carl Jung – The Power of Knowing Your Dark Side Among the central concepts of analytical psychology is individuation—the lifelong psychological process of differentiation…